How the Summer Season Affects the Water Conditions of your Pool

How the Summer Season Affects the Water Conditions of your Pool

The summer season is perhaps the pinnacle of poolwater fun. However, despite all its grandeur, the warm weather does have an impact on everyone’s favorite pastime. This means that every pool owner should be aware that there are a couple of things to consider during the summer season. Because of the high temperature and other possible factors, the water levels of your pool usually get much lower than it is during the winter.

Outside temperatures rise during the summer months and the temperature of your pool is affected by the change in season. Altitude, sunlight, air saturation, and all other external factors can affect how the heat impacts your pool.

How the Summer Season Affects the Water Conditions of your Pool

Here’s what you need to know about how the summer season affects the water conditions of your pool:

  1. The warmer temperatures can cause algae growth on the sides of your pool and in the water itself. If you have an automatic chlorinator, this won’t be a problem as long as you consistently change out your chlorine tablets every week or so. 
  2. As temperatures rise throughout the summer months, more people will be swimming in their pools more frequently than ever before which means there will be more urine getting dumped into them as well! 
  3. When it’s hot outside, the water in your pool will evaporate faster than normal—especially if you leave the cover off. To minimize evaporation, keep your cover on at all times and make sure it’s properly secured.
  4. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that water conditions change during the summer. The sun’s UV rays will cause chlorine levels in your pool water to drop by up to 50%. This means that you will have to add more chlorine to your pool water during this time of year than at any other time of year.
  5. You should also remember that it is recommended that you use a stabilizer in your pool water in order for it not to turn green or cloudy from algae growth caused by high temperatures during the summer months.

If you have a pool at your home, you know how much fun it can be to relax in the water on those hot summer days. However, when the weather gets warmer, there are some things that you need to watch out for and keep an eye on. One of these is the water conditions of your pool.

Another major factor that affects water quality is rainwater runoff from roofs or driveways that may contain chemicals like fertilizer or pesticides used by homeowners to maintain their lawns and gardens during springtime. These chemicals can kill off beneficial bacteria in pools so keeping them clean becomes more difficult as time passes by without proper maintenance being done regularly by owners themselves (which costs money).

How the Summer Season Affects the Water Conditions of your Pool

What happens if you don’t maintain your pool?

If you don’t keep your pool chlorinated, bacteria could grow in it—and then those bacteria could spread to other parts of your home if you don’t have a pool cleaning system. If that happens, you could end up with a skin infection like impetigo, which is caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria. It can also cause boils or cellulitis—which is an infection of the tissues under the skin. 

Fortunately, though, there is a solution to this problem: hire Truly Blue Pool to maintain your swimming pool during the summer.  By doing so, you can avoid unnecessary pool maintenance costs and ensure that your pool always has the best water quality possible!