Why an Improper Pool pH Level is a Skin Hazard

Why an Improper Pool pH Level is a Skin Hazard

Today, we’re going to talk about why an improper pool pH level is a skin hazard and how different skin types are affected by pool water. 

If you’ve ever seen what happens to human skin exposed to chlorine, you would be amazed that anyone continues swimming in an improperly balanced pool. Incorrect chlorine levels aren’t the only reason your pH levels are too high or low but it is the biggest factor. Other causes include sanitizer residuals and water balance issues.

Did you know that chlorine can damage your skin & eyes? It’s true. A pool with a proper pH level is suitable for both your eyes and your skin. This can help avoid eye irritation and conditions like dermatitis (skin inflammation).

When caring for a pool, a lot of time is spent ensuring it’s clean, debris-free, and pretty. However, what you might not know is that your water needs to have the proper pH balance to prevent skin problems. One of the best ways to do this is by having a service provider test your pool’s pH level.

Pool Cleaning Services in Wellington

The ideal pH level of a swimming pool is between 7.2 and 7.6, but the range can vary depending on the type of water treatment system your service provider uses. If it falls outside this range, it can affect your skin’s ability to breathe and make you more susceptible to irritation, dryness, and itching.

Normal skin is composed of layers that protect it from outside elements. These layers include oil, sweat glands and sebum, hair follicles, mucus membranes, and dead skin cells. They work together to create a barrier against bacteria and other harmful substances that could otherwise enter your body through your skin.

Improper pH level in a swimming pool can affect your skin’s natural defense system in several ways such as:

1) Low pH levels make it easier for bacteria to grow on your skin which could lead to infection or disease.

2) High pH levels can irritate sensitive areas like your eyes and mouth.

3) The combination of high pH levels with chlorine makes for a harsh environment for swimmers who have sensitive skin types such as acne or psoriasis.

Pool Cleaning Services in Wellington

This is the main reason why your service provider should check the pH level of your swimming pool regularly. If you want to ensure that your pool is clean and safe to swim in, then it’s a good idea for you to keep its pH level regulated as well. When hiring a pool service company, it’s best to work with someone who has extensive knowledge in the pool industry like us. We’ve been in the service industry for over 14 years and have been teaching CPO for many years too! With our firm understanding of pools, we can make your pool a safe haven guaranteed! Read more of our blogs at https://trulybluepool.com/blog/!