Why your Eyes are Red after Swimming in the Pool

Why your Eyes are Red after Swimming in the Pool

Swimming is fun, right? You can beat the heat and get some exercise in, but there is one little downside — your eyes will turn red afterward. Why does this happen? It’s likely that your eyes changing color is due to chlorine contact!

It’s not just because you have chlorine in them.

It’s because of the chemicals in the pool water, which can be irritating to your eyes. The chlorine and other chemicals in the water can dry out your eyes and burn them, causing them to become red and irritated. This is called chemical conjunctivitis, also known as swimmer’s eye. This happens because the mucus lining of your eyes produces tears that dilute the chlorine before it reaches your corneas where it would cause even more damage if there wasn’t enough water in your tears to dilute it.

Why your Eyes are Red after Swimming in the Pool

Chlorine is added to pools to kill bacteria and other germs that might make swimmers sick. While this is a good thing, it also makes your eyes red because it irritates them. Chlorine can also cause dry eyes, itching, and burning sensations. If you swim often, you may notice that your eyes become redder each time you swim in the pool. When you go swimming, you should always wear goggles or a swim mask to protect your eyes from irritants like chlorine and salt water.

This chemical can cause chemical burns and lead to blindness if left untreated. In order for chlorine to be effective as an antimicrobial agent, it must be maintained at certain levels within the water. But even at low concentrations, chlorine can still cause irritation or injury if your eyes are exposed to it for too long.

Swimming in a properly maintained pool is a great way to unwind and relax. However, if you’re not careful, it can also lead to some irritating side effects. This is why it’s important to use the right concentration of chlorine in your pool water, as well as keep up with proper swimming pool service and repair on a regular basis.
Fortunately, professional swimming pool cleaners like Truly Blue Pool offer pool maintenance services that help keep pools safe and comfortable for all users by ensuring that they maintain a healthy balance of chlorine levels. Our trained technicians will check on your chlorine levels and ensure that everything is working properly so that you can enjoy swimming without having to worry about any side effects. Call us now at 561-206-2387 for a schedule!

Why your Eyes are Red after Swimming in the Pool

Swimming in a properly maintained pool is a great way to unwind and relax. However, if you’re not careful, it can also lead to some irritating side effects. This is why it’s important to use the right concentration of chlorine in your pool water, as well as keep up with proper swimming pool service and repair on a regular basis.
Fortunately, professional swimming pool cleaners like Truly Blue Pool offer pool maintenance services that help keep pools safe and comfortable for all users by ensuring that they maintain a healthy balance of chlorine levels. Our trained technicians will check on your chlorine levels and ensure that everything is working properly so that you can enjoy swimming without having to worry about any side effects. Call us now at 561-206-2387 for a schedule!